Monday, August 8, 2011

Fiber Arts Festival 2011

What a fun time we had at this year's Fiber Arts Festival and Sheep to Shawl competition! This year's event was held in Fargo, at Rheault Farm (a wonderful farmstead property, within the Fargo city limits operated by our fabulous park system). There were many demonstrations to promote the fiber arts, classes, sheep shearing and vendors. Pictured is our sheep to shawl team with their finished product. From raw fiber to a beautiful woven shawl in under 5 hours. Isn't it gorgeous? We are so proud of them.

Another big happening at our shop is our webstore. It is being launched, even as we speak! This has been quite a process- I tell everyone it is like herding cats, trying to get all the elements moving in the same direction. But we are very happy with the results and hope you will visit the website soon and do some shopping.

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